Lubuskie province is one of the most beautiful regions of the Western Poland, bordering on the German. The area is 13 989 square km is inhabited by 1 008.8 thousand people. Consequently the population density is 72 people per square km. The province is more urban developed than the rest of Poland. It is on the first place in terms of forest areas crossed by many lakes and rivers. Therefore our province is often called the green gate of Poland.

The province was established in 1999 from two former provinces-Górzów and Zielona Góra after making small corrections with the neighbouring provinces: zachodniopomorskie, wielkopolskie i dolnośląskie.

Lubuskie is located on the intersection of natural routes North-South and East-West what together with developing road networks makes the region well communicated with the rest of Poland and Europe. The most important towns in lubuskie province are: exceeding one hundred thousand people Zielona Góra and Gorzów Wielkopolski and smaller towns including Nowa Sól, Żagań, Żary. The capital city of Poland Warsaw is located about 450 km from our province and the capital city of Germany, Berlin is located respectively 134 km from Gorzów Wielkopolski and 182 km from Zielona Góra.

Lubuskie region has well developed trade and services, it extends the number of its hotels and holiday centres, it develops industry. This is the place of international companies’ investments but due to joint efforts our province is a leader together with other regions aware of ecology.

Lubuskie is attractive for foreign investors. Such companies find good conditions for development and significantly contribute to the foreign trade of the region. The most important trade partner of lubuskie province is Germany. Almost 70 % of goods and services is exported to Germany by the Polish companies. Other positions are taken by: Italy (4,1%), Holland (3,5%) and Denmark (3,3%). Also in import the Germany contribute to in over 50-percen, among other partners significant positions are taken by Italy (7,4%), Denmark (4,2%) and Czech Republic (3,3%).